“Arzé” by Mira Shaib and” Back To Alexandria” by Tamer Ruggli compete at the Beijing International Film Festival

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“Arzé” by Mira Shaib and” Back To Alexandria” by Tamer Ruggli compete at the Beijing International Film Festival

While “Arzé” contends at the “Forward Future” section of the BJIFF which is one that focuses on new directors as emerging talents with unique styles and innovative spirit. Tamer Ruggli’s feature film makes part of the official selection for the Tiantan Award alongside a fine variety of 15 local and international films selected from a record-breaking application pool of 1,509 films from 118 countries and regions.

The 14th edition of the Beijing International Film Festival is set for April 18th to 26th with Serbian director Emir Kusturica chairing the international jury for the Tiantan Award.

During the festival, over 240 domestic and international films with diverse themes will be shown across more than 20 theaters in Beijing and its neighboring towns.